Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

☁️ Ümit Eroğlu 🌍🛰
4 min readMay 2, 2024


What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and why is it important in DevOps?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the practice of managing and provisioning infrastructure using code and automation tools. It treats infrastructure components as software, allowing for consistent, repeatable, and version-controlled deployments. IaC is crucial in DevOps as it helps eliminate manual setup, reduces human error, and ensures that environments are consistent across development, testing, and production stages.

What are the benefits of using IaC?

IaC offers benefits such as version control, repeatability, scalability, agility, and easier collaboration between teams. It enables faster provisioning, easier rollback, and efficient testing of infrastructure changes.

Name some popular IaC tools.

Some popular IaC tools include Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, CloudFormation (AWS), and ARM templates (Azure).

How does Terraform differ from Ansible?

Terraform is a declarative IaC tool that focuses on provisioning and managing infrastructure resources, while Ansible is a configuration management tool that emphasizes automating tasks on existing systems.

Explain the concept of “declarative” in the context of IaC.

Declarative IaC tools, like Terraform, allow you to define the desired state of the infrastructure without specifying the exact steps to achieve that state. The tool figures out the necessary actions to bring the infrastructure to the desired state.

What is an IaC template?

An IaC template is a file or set of files that describe the infrastructure components, their relationships, and configuration settings. It’s used by IaC tools to create and manage infrastructure.

What is idempotence in IaC, and why is it important?

Idempotence means that applying an IaC configuration multiple times will produce the same result as applying it once. This property ensures that applying changes doesn’t cause unexpected outcomes or errors.

How does IaC contribute to the “Infrastructure as Immutable” concept?

IaC treats infrastructure as immutable, meaning that instead of modifying existing infrastructure components, new instances are created to replace old ones. This approach ensures consistency, reduces configuration drift, and simplifies rollback.

Explain the “Plan, Apply, and Destroy” workflow in Terraform.

In Terraform, you first create an execution plan to preview changes without actually making them (terraform plan), then apply the changes to the infrastructure (terraform apply), and finally, you can destroy the created resources (terraform destroy) when they are no longer needed.

How does IaC enhance collaboration between development and operations teams?

IaC provides a common language for both teams, making it easier to define infrastructure requirements and changes. This reduces misunderstandings and misconfigurations between teams.

Describe the process of using IaC for creating a virtual machine instance.

To create a virtual machine instance using IaC, you would define its properties (such as size, image, network settings) in a template file (e.g., Terraform’s .tf file). Then, you would use the IaC tool to apply the configuration, which would provision the virtual machine according to the template.

How does IaC contribute to disaster recovery and high availability strategies?

IaC enables easy replication of infrastructure across regions and environments, allowing for quick disaster recovery and providing a foundation for high availability setups.

What is “Infrastructure as Data” in IaC?

Infrastructure as Data refers to the practice of storing infrastructure configuration in version-controlled repositories alongside application code. This ensures that infrastructure changes are tracked and managed like any other code changes.

How can IaC help mitigate the “Works on My Machine” problem?

IaC ensures that the development, testing, and production environments are consistent, reducing discrepancies between environments and mitigating the “Works on My Machine” issue.

What are some potential challenges or pitfalls of using IaC?

Challenges may include learning curve, managing state, handling external dependencies, and ensuring proper testing of templates before deployment.

How does IaC handle security concerns?

IaC allows security practices to be embedded directly into templates, ensuring that security measures are consistently applied during infrastructure provisioning.

Explain the concept of “Infrastructure Drift.”

Infrastructure drift occurs when the actual state of deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state described in the IaC templates. This can lead to inconsistencies and unexpected behavior.

What is a “Golden Image,” and how does IaC relate to it?

A Golden Image is a pre-configured template for a virtual machine or container that contains all required software and settings. IaC can automate the creation and maintenance of Golden Images.

How does IaC impact scalability and resource management?

IaC enables automated provisioning and scaling of resources based on demand, ensuring efficient resource allocation and avoiding manual configuration.

Can you explain the concept of “Destructive Updates” in IaC?

Destructive Updates occur when applying an IaC configuration results in the deletion or significant modification of existing resources. This can be avoided by careful planning and considering the impact of changes.

How does IaC support compliance and auditing requirements?

IaC ensures that compliance policies are encoded in the infrastructure templates, making it easier to enforce and track compliance throughout the lifecycle.

What is “Configuration Drift,” and how does IaC address it?

Configuration drift is the gradual deviation of system configurations from their intended state. IaC tools constantly monitor and enforce the desired state, mitigating configuration drift.

How do you handle secrets and sensitive data in IaC templates?

Secrets and sensitive data can be stored in secure storage systems (like AWS Secrets Manager) and retrieved by IaC tools during provisioning, without exposing them in the templates.

Explain the concept of “Immutable Infrastructure” and its relation to IaC.

Immutable Infrastructure means that infrastructure components are never modified; instead, new instances are created and configured. IaC facilitates this approach by automating the creation of new instances and minimizing manual changes.

How would you implement a rollback strategy using IaC?

Rollback can be achieved by reverting to a previous version of the IaC template, which describes the desired state before the problematic change. This ensures that the infrastructure is recreated according to the known-good state.

