NASA’s 🏢 Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) 🗄️
NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) 🛰️ is designed as a distributed system, with major facilities at NASA’s Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) located throughout the United States. 🏢 These institutions are custodians of EOS mission data and ensure that data will be easily accessible to users. EOSDIS DAACs process, archive, document, and distribute data from NASA’s past and current Earth-observing satellites and field measurement programs. Acting in concert, the DAACs provide reliable, robust services to users whose needs may cross the traditional boundaries of a science discipline, while continuing to support the particular needs of users within the discipline communities. 🌍🌌📊🔍💻
Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC 🛰️
SAR Products, 📡
Sea Ice, ❄️
Polar Processes, 🌨
Geophysics 🌏
Land Processes DAAC 🏞️
Land Cover, 🍃
Surface Reflectance, 🌞
Radiance, Temperature 🔥
Topography, 🗻
Vegetation Indices 🌿
Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center 🌐
Global Precipitation, ☔
Solar irradiance, ☀️
Atmospheric Composition, and Dynamics, ☁️🌀
Global Modeling 🌐
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center 📊
Human Interactions, 🤝
Land Use, 🏘️
Environmental Sustainability, ♻️
Geospatial Data 🗺️
National Snow and Ice Data Center, DAAC 🌨️
Frozen Ground, 🥶
Glaciers, 🏔️
Ice Sheets, 🧊
Sea Ice, ❄️
Snow, ❄️
Soil Moisture 💧
Physical Oceanography DAAC 🌊
Gravity, ⚖️
Sea Surface Temperature, 🌡️
Ocean Winds, 💨
Topography, 🗾
Circulation & Currents 🌊
Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC 🔬
Biogeochemical Dynamics, 🧪
Ecological Data, 🌿
Environmental Processes 🏞️
Crustal Dynamics Data Information System 🌏
Space Geodesy, 🌌
Solid Earth 🗻
Ocean Biology DAAC 🐟
Ocean Biology, 🌊
Sea Surface Temperature, 🌡️
Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS) DAAC 🗄️
MODIS Level-1 and Atmosphere Data Products 🌐
Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center, DAAC ☔
Hazardous Weather, ⚠️
Lightning, ⚡
Tropical Cyclones and Storm-induced Hazards 🌪
Atmospheric Science Data Center ☁️
Radiation Budget, ☀️
Clouds, ☁️
Aerosols, 💨
Tropospheric Chemistry 🧪